Stafford Chimney Breast Removal

Chimney Breast Removal Experts In Stafford 

Stafford Chimney Breast RemovalDo you want a chimney breast removal carried out in your Stafford home ? Are looking for a team of builders that are reliable , trustworthy , affordable and experts ? If so then read this post to learn all of the information you should know before calling a contractor . Once you have read this post make sure to call us today at 0333 444 1540.

This post will detail the steps of a chimney breast removal , why only experts called structural specialists should carry out your chimney breast removal and finally why you should call 0333 444 1540 if you want a chimney breast removal carried out in your Stafford property.

The Steps Of A Chimney Breast Removal 

First we would need a structural design that has been created by a structural engineer to ensure that the correct structural support is implemented so that the chimney stack is totally structurally secure after the chimney breast removal .

When we have the structural design we would begin the job by setting up the site which would include structurally supporting the chimney stack using structural propping tools and structural supports.

Once this has been done we would remove the chimney breast and dispose of the brickwork by removing the debris from the property and placing it into a skip which would be placed outside of the property .

After this has been completed we would install either a steel beam or gallows brackets which the structural engineer has designed. This would conclude the job and the chimney breast removal job would be complete.

Why Only Structural Specialists Should Carry Out Your Chimney Breast Removal 

Chimney breast removals fall in the bracket of structural alterations and should only ever be carried out by specific experts called structural specialists , these structural specialists are uniquely qualified and experienced to carry out all structural alterations and structural repairs with total efficiency , effectiveness and with a total guarantee of safety .

If you go with another contractor who isn’t a structural specialist then there is a high chance that the job could go wrong and this could lead to major structural damage such as the chimney stack collapsing.

Why You Should Call Us Today ! 

Stafford Chimney Breast RemovalTo summarise if you want a chimney breast removal carried out in your Stafford property quickly , properly and for an affordable investment then make sure to call us today at 0333 444 1540 . We carry out a range of structural services which you can see if you click here , plus if you click here this will take you to our customer testimonials page.