Chimney Breast Removals Birmingham

We Provide Chimney Breast Removals In Birmingham

Chimney Breast Removals In BirminghamAre you looking for chimney breast removals in Birmingham for an affordable cost ? If so then read this article and you will find out what a chimney breast removal is ,  why people get chimney breast removals , how we carry out chimney breast removals and who the best contractor for you is .

What A Chimney Breast Removal Is 

A chimney breast removal is simply when the chimney breast is removed . The difficulty of the chimney breast removal isn’t the removal of the brickwork . Its the structural safety part . 

When a chimney breast is removed the loads above the chimney breast must be structurally supported . If the loads above are a chimney breast then the above chimney breast must be removed , if it is a chimney stack then the chimney stack must be structurally supported .

This is why it is very important a structural specialist like us carry out the work , because if a non structural expert carry’s out the work there is no guarantee that they wont mess up your property out of sheer incompetence . 

Why People Get Chimney Breast Removals

People often get chimney breast removals for a variety of reasons but the most popular reason we get from our clients are that they need more space in their living room where the chimney breast currently resides . 

This reason is especially common among families who need any extra room they can get . Commonly clients will put television sets in this space and they say it makes the home feel more homely .

How We Carry Out Chimney Breast Removals 

The first step in carrying out a chimney breast removal would be to set up the site . Setting up the site would entail us putting down preliminary cleaning procedures so that during the job there is limited debris and so that during the cleaning and clearance apart of the job we can do it with ease . 

Next , we would structurally support the loads above the chimney breast by temporarily installing strong boy supports , which would be propped up by acrows so the property is always structurally secure .

After this we would then remove the brickwork of the chimney breast and subsequently demolish the chimney breast . Once this has been done we would have to permanently structurally support the loads above the chimney breast .

We would do this by installing gallows brackets either in the loft space ,if the chimney breast has been taken away on the top floor, or on the chimney breast above it if it was a lower chimney breast which was removed .

From there the loads above the prior chimney breast would have been structurally supported supported so that we can finalise the job by cleaning up one last time and sending the final invoice . 

Who The Best Contractor For You Is 

The best contractor for you would be a structural specialist , this is because a structural specialist would be an expert at all structural work like chimney breast removals . 

We are structural experts with over three decades experience , over fifty five star customer testimonials and carry out all kinds of structural services. 

If you click here you will see all of our customer testimonials page . Click here and this will take you to our website where you will see the other structural services we offer.

Remember to call us today if you are looking for chimney removals in Birmingham at 0121 369 0675 . We guarantee you will be completely satisfied with the works we do and the affordable quote !

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