Wall Knock Throughs In Birmingham

We provide Wall Knock Throughs In Birmingham

Wall Knock Throughs In BirminghamIf you are looking for a wall knock throughs in Birmingham for an affordable cost then make sure to read this article .

In this article you will find out what a wall knock through is , how we carry out wall knock throughs and why we are best for you .

Once you read this you will be able to make an educated and informed decision on what builder you need when it comes to completing a wall knock through.

What A Wall Knock Through Is

A wall knock through is simply when a wall is knocked down or ”through” . For this to be done it is extremely important  that a experienced builder who is competent in structural works completes the job . 

Many people in Birmingham want wall knock through’s because they are looking for a open plan style within their home to join two rooms into one .

This is the main reason our clients in Birmingham get wall knock throughs , in this case it is most commonly the wall between the kitchen and the dining room that gets knocked down .

There are other reasons why people get wall knock throughs in Birmingham . Other popular reasons include wanting an extension or a conservatory and need a wall knocked down through the back of the house.

Before a wall is knocked down , it is essential that it is clarified if the wall is load bearing or not . A load bearing wall is when the wall is ”bearing” a larger load above it , for example joists above it .

If this load bearing wall is taken out without being structurally supported then the structural integrity of the property is at risk . This is why it is import a structural expert carries out the job and not just a general builder who could be a cowboy builder .

So during the wall knock through and after the wall has been knocked down the load above the wall must be structurally supported at all times . 

How We Carry Out Wall Knock Throughs 

Now , as stated before when a load bearing wall gets demolished the loads above it must be totally structurally supported at all times.  So after setting up the site the first thing we would do would be to structurally prop up the loads above it . 

We would prop up the loads above the wall by using strong boy supports and acrows to prop the strong boy supports . These supports would have to be professionally installed by structural experts and because our specialists have so many years of experience we do this with ease while other builders often struggle . 

While these structural propping devices have been temporarily installed we would then safely remove the brickwork of the wall and effectively demolish the wall . We could do this safely because the loads above it would be structurally supported . 

Then once we have removed the brickwork and disposed of it properly we would have to permanently structurally support the loads above where the wall was . This would be done with a rolled steel joist , commonly abbreviated to RSJ.

 This would complete the wall knock through and because we actively clean up any debris , brickwork and dust throughout the works we would only have minimal cleaning and clearance .  The most important thing when getting a wall knock through is to always choose a structural specialist . So be safe and get it right first time by calling us today at 0121 369 0675.

Also click here and this will take you to our website where you will see we carry out a large amount of structural services such as lintel repairs , underpinning , chimney breast removals plus more. 

Additionally if you click here this will take you to our large amount of five star customer testimonials , numbering over fifty . 

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