Lintel Repairs in Sheffield

Lintel Repairs in Sheffield

Lintel Repairs in Sheffield

On this page we will be covering what lintel repairs are, why people want/need lintel repairs in Sheffield, how lintel repairs are carried out and why you should choose us if you are looking to carry out lintel repairs in Sheffield.

But first a bit about us, we are structural builders with over three decades of experience and have become experts at everything structural whether it be a lintel repair, fixing wall cracks, removing chimney breast and much more.

So, if you are looking for quality structural work then call us at 0114 345 0118 .

What Lintel Repairs Are

Lintel repairs are simply when we replace an older lintel with a newer one. Commonly the lintel we are removing is an older out of date wooden lintel and we would often replace this lintel with a newer metal one which would both act as a lintel better and last longer.

But we also replace failed lintels, commonly installed by a contractor who is not a structural specialist so the lintel cannot hold up the load above appropriately or properly.

This is why we recommend that if you are getting any structural work done, big or small that you contact a structural specialist because all structural work is specialty work and should not be taken lightly.

Lintel Repairs in Sheffield

Why People Want/Need Lintel Repairs In Sheffield

People want lintel repairs quite often because when they are getting an extension and want a window created or a door created a lintel is needed so that the door and/or window is structurally sound and safe from issues such as wall cracks.

Now when it comes to why people need lintel repairs. People need lintel repairs often because they have gotten a door or window installed by a non-structural specialist who has not put in the lintel properly.

But people also need lintel repairs when they have an old lintel that is outdated so it needs replaced. Make sure to contact us, Sheffield Structural Builders, if you are looking for a lintel repair.

Lintel Repairs in Sheffield

How Lintel Repairs Are Carried Out

The ways to repair a lintel is quite simple, for us at least, yet if not carried out by a structural specialist can be tricky.

Firstly, we would have to structurally support the load above the lintel which it should be holding up. We would do this by opening up a portion of the brickwork above the lintel and then putting in a structural needle or a device that does the same thing called a Strong Boy.

After the structural needle has been fitted it would then be propped up by an acrow which would stabilise the structural needle and make sure it isn’t moving anywhere and can hold up a massive weight/ load if need be.

Once this is done, we would then begin the removal process of the failed lintel, this would be done easily by removing it with our team of experienced professionals.

After this lintel is taken out the new one would be installed again by our team of structural specialists. Sometimes we may have to use specialist machinery depending on the weight of the lintel but more often than not our experts can handle it without it.

house extension 1

Why You Should Choose Us

The simple reason why you should choose us for your lintel repair and all of your structural work is simply because we are the best there is no one else who can compete with us.

We have fifty customer testimonials on the prestigious Federation of Master Builders website which is far more than most contractors have never mind structural specialists which are rare as a diamond. We proudly proclaim we are the best.

 If you click here this will take you to our page on where you will see many customers who agree.

To conclude click this link here and this will take you to our website where you will see a large range of the structural services that we provide. You can also call us at 0114 345 0118. Remember, all quotes are free with ABP !

Lastly click here to see our other Sheffield structural services . 

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- 0114 345 0118

call us today at 0114 345 0118


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